26 Nov Best Wishes for the Other 364 Days from A&S Reclaimed Wood, Too!
All of us at A&S Reclaimed Wood, which offers 12 beautiful finishes of reclaimed wood for sale online from our South Florida headquarters, are sending our best wishes to you. We hope that Thanksgiving is the start of a wonderful holiday season for you and your family.
And when the time comes to wish you happy New Year, well, we’ll actually be talking about the whole year. If you want 2020 to be your best year yet, research shows that you shouldn’t wait until November to start giving thanks! It turns out being grateful is a great way to make the year happier. (Putting in a reclaimed wood accent wall might be another!)
Give Thanks for Gratitude
Robert Emmons Robert Emmons is an expert on gratitude. Seriously! He is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and the founding editor-in-chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology. He has also written a number of books on the subject, including Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier.
For more than a decade, Emmons has been studying the effects of gratitude on physical health, on psychological well-being and on our relationships with others. “In a series of studies, my colleagues and I have helped people systematically cultivate gratitude, usually by keeping a ‘gratitude journal’ in which they regularly record the things for which they’re grateful. (For a description of this and other ways to cultivate gratitude, click here.),” he says in an essay on Greater Good titled “Why Gratitude Is Good.”
It is such a simple thing to do. Some people write down five things they’re grateful for every day. Others simply take time to think about some of the specific things they are thankful.
“Gratitude journals and other gratitude practices often seem so simple and basic; in our studies, we often have people keep gratitude journals for just three weeks. And yet the results have been overwhelming,” Emmons says. “We’ve studied more than one thousand people, from ages eight to 80, and found that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits.”
Most of us think about all the things we’re grateful for at Thanksgiving. Here at A&S Reclaimed Wood, offering exceptional reclaimed wood for sale in 12 beautiful finishes, we’ll be thinking of you during the holidays and throughout the New Year, wishing you and yours all the very best.
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